You deserve happiness,

there is no better time than now!

Ready To Feel Happy, Confident, And Emotionally Grounded?

What is wrong with me? Why do I feel stuck and overwhelmed all the time?

I can’t stop overthinking, and my emotions are all over the place.

Will things ever get better?

If you have ever asked yourself these questions, you’re not alone!

Life can be confusing and seem unfair when things don’t go as you had hoped.

The good news is that things can get better and you don’t have to do this alone!

If You’re Feeling Any Of These, We Should Talk!

Overwhelmed and Stressed
Unhappy, Unfulfilled, Sad, Lonely
Having a Hard Time In Relationships
Struggling with Past Trauma or Abuse
Always Feeling Angry and Having a Hard Time Controlling It

You Deserve To Feel

Genuinely Happy
At Peace
Satisfied In Relationships
Like You Can Manage Your Emotions
Free From Past Trauma or Abuse

Meet Randi

I’m so happy you’re here!

You’re the reason I do what I do.  I am inspired by your courage and your willingness to transform your life from the inside out.  A little about my journey so you can decide if I can help you or not.

I’m Randi Gabruck, and I love helping people get to where they feel content, happy, and at peace with their life and relationships.  I know firsthand how lonely it can be when you’re struggling with life’s biggest issues, and that is something you shouldn’t have to do alone.

My path in life has been a curvy one, and it has had it’s speedbumps along the way. After all, is anyone’s life a smooth ride? During my teen years, I experienced what fear, loneliness, and not being accepted felt like when I was kicked out of my home. Clearly this was the path that ignited a spark inside of me to help individuals like you.

What Our Clients Say

When I came to see Randi I honestly did not think I’d ever get to be normal again. I was in such a dark, scared, sad, and broken place and I was too embarrassed and terrified to get help. I remember sitting on the couch with my friend holding my hand as I called Randi. Fast forward, now my relationships with my family have been repaired. I don’t hate them or myself anymore. I am actually even making a lot of new friends too! There’s a million things I want to say and I could hug her until the cows came home! Randi’s treatments were definitely the difference for me.

I believe people come into your life when you need them the most! I will forever be thankful and grateful for everything Randi has taught me and allowed me to share with her on my healing journey. She was the missing key I was searching for. She allowed me to find myself, be happy with myself, and gain back my confidence in my decisions. I thank her from the depth of my soul. I am strong today and will be every day moving forward…or back a few steps…because her teachings will forever be in my heart and mind…and most likely my purse.

The time Randi spent with me has helped me in so many ways in my life. I cherish our sessions and will take the advice and counselling she gave with me forever. I am so thankful for all of her kind words with me during our sessions. She will forever be in my heart