Career Assessment Inventory

Career Assessment Inventory Package 1

The Enhanced Version Charles B. Johansson


 Are you feeling stuck or uncertain in your current job? Are you unsure of what career to pursue? We offer a career assessment, which will match your interests with various job types! We believe you can thrive and not just survive. This assessment is perfect for anyone searching for career fulfillment.

Career Assessment Inventory is an occupational interest inventory for college-bound and non-college-bound individuals.

The assessment compares an individuals occupational interests to 100+ specific careers that reflect a broad range of technical and professional positions in today’s workforce.

What is Included: Career Assessment + a 60 minute debrief session with Randi.

You deserve to feel satisfied in your career, and it IS possible.

You have everything within you and around you to create the change you seek.

Your courage to reach out for help shows how brave you are.

Please call (780) 934-5489 to schedule the test administration.